"If you run alone you'll go fast.
If you run together, you'll go far."
Our Team
Our selected team of professionals receive the best-specialised training, which they are regularly tested upon to ensure the continuation of best practices for you. To ensure the best care is being provided to you we routinely conduct supervisions and meetings with you and the staff to best serve your needs.
All our staff are experienced health and social care professionals, anyone wishing to join our team but doesn't have any experience must undergo an induction to health and social care through the care certificate. We pride ourselves on having the best individuals whom we cansupport through continuous professional development.
To ensure that we only take on the best we have established a comprehensive recruitment process, which checks the every aspect of the candidate to ensure suitability for the roles.
Mayden Support has a key worker assigned to you upon arrival and they are dedicated to ensuring your outcomes are met. We will always endeavour to ensure your standards of dignity and respect are met at all time.